The large majority of work I've done isn't available to share publicly. I've posted a few items from my early career below. If you'd like to learn more about some of the client projects I've worked on, get in touch with me! 

You can also find some snips and screenshots of work in progress over at Dribbble.


Koshland Science Museum

I was privileged to have the opportunity to collaborate with the Koshland Science Museum to create Extreme Event™, a hybrid digital/social simulation game for 12-48 players that teaches core themes around resilience and coalition building.

The game allows a facilitator to act as a "dungeon master," controlling the flow of information to game participants through a digital device, while the participants leverage this information to make decisions around resource management and planning. Because the primary goal of the game was to teach coalition building, it was essential that our digital tools didn't get in the way of social interaction. Accordingly, we developed a set of Shallow Interaction Design principles that helped us hold true to that vision.

I documented some of the design process over on dribbble. Since it's launch at the museum, Extreme Event has been taken on the road and played in numerous parts of the world (most recently translated in Mandarin and played in China). It has won a number of design awards, including an Interaction 16  “Connecting” Shortlist Award, and a Serious Play Gold Medal Award Winner in 2015.